To go back in time

In a time of such upheaval with protests a plenty, and women marching around in pink knit hats representative of the female genitalia, I find myself longing to go back in time.

Image result for womens march vagina                   Image result for protests since january 2017

I understand that women of the past protested and fought for “our” rights, but I am sorry these people of today are not marching for me. But I wander off subject, because I am not going to get into politics. My opinions are just that…my opinions.

I have always loved the late 1940’s & 1950’s. The modest, feminine, ladylike fashion. The ability to stay at home with the children keeping house, while the husband goes out and earns a living for the household. There are many other things I love about that era as well. I know I have probably caused a few heads to shake just by writing the last two sentences, but again My opinion is my opinion. My dreams are my dreams.

vintage housewife:
Yes, I realize this is only an illustration.


I know times were not always easy, the husband was not always loving, and there were struggles then, just as there are now. But let me explain a little bit about me….

I dream of homesteading. Going off the grid, and living life away from all of the commotion (and I already live in a pretty rural area – so even rural areas are crowded to me). Growing my own food, and storing it for the winter months. I love cooking, and cleaning! But after working a pretty normal 40 hour week, I don’t want to spend my free time cooking or cleaning. Handling the kids schoolwork, and attending meetings….you guessed right! I already handle that along with my job.

seasonalwonderment: “lovely summer clouds by Mike Reva on Flickr. ”:
It looks so peaceful. I want to go there.

I grew up on a small farm, in a rural area of the Carolina’s. We had horses, a summer and fall garden, preserved vegetables, cut our own firewood, raised pigs for barbequing and storing meat, fished from the nearby rivers for only what we wanted to eat (none of this catch and release mess) and we wasted very, very little. Life was simpler!


……to be continued! Another 40 hour week on the books. I need to learn to talk-blog (is that a thing?) on my hour ride home.